Textbook Suggestions
- Thomas’ Calculus
- Stewart’s Calculus
Linear Algebra
- Lay, Lay, & McDonald - Linear Algebra and Its Applications
- Sheldon Axler - Linear Algebra Done Right
- Friedberg, Insel, Spence - Linear Algebra
Real Analysis
- Walter B. Rudin - Principles of Mathematical Analysis
- Thomas Apostol - Mathematical Analysis
- Luigi Ambrosio, Giuseppe Da Prato and Andrea Mennucci - Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration
- Vladimir I. Bogachev - Measure Theory, Vol. 1 and 2
- Bogachev, Smolyanov - Real and Functional Analysis
- Gerald B. Folland - Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications
- John B. Fraleigh - A First Course in Abstract Algebra
- Dummit & Foote - Abstract Algebra
- Anirban DasGupta - Fundamentals of Probability: A First Course
- Grimmett & Welsh - Probability: An Introduction
- Levin, Peres, & Wilmer - Markov Chains and Mixing Times
- Roman Vershynin - High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with Applications to Data Science
- Rick Durrett - Probability: Theory and Examples
- Patrick Billingsley - Probability and Measure
- Martin Wainwright - High-dimensional Statistics: A Non-asymptotic Viewpoint
- Cover and Thomas - Elements of Information Theory
- Polyanskiy and Wu - Information Theory: from Coding to Learning
Game Theory
- Thomas Ferguson - A Course in Game Theory
- Karlin & Peres - Game Theory, Alive